1. What is the URL (website address)

2. Who is the site aimed at?
Its is aimed at everyone who wants to travel and hospel in luxury hotels as they are not available to the big mayority of people. They are quite exclusive because of their prices

3. What can they do there?
In this page we can find a hotel either by telling them the destination either by choosing a special offert. Also, hotels are joined in groups such as traditional elegance or contemporary classic.

4. What type of content does it contain?
It contains all the information about how to reserve those hotels, how to find them. Besides, it has a lot of pictures that ilustrate perfectly those amazings hotels so that you can have a perfect idea about where you are going.

5. Did you find anything surprising/especially interesting?
I find the whole page surprising as it is very atractive and it is easy to find exactly what you are looking for. For me it is specially interesting that the places shown there are unique.

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